WikiLeaks Live Response to CIA's Declassified "Hacking" Report


On Friday, The US intelligence community released a "declassified" version oftheir ongoing investigation into the US elections adn potential tampering with a focus on Russia. The report itself in our opinion was more of a revelation on the growing influence of social media in the press, and less of an indictment on Russian hacking. Further, to release something in this way seemed a reaction to pressure, which implies politicized agency behavior.

Finally, it does seem some info Wiki got was Russian in origin, but not the source who gave thm the info. How is that any different than any other leaked info that Pols use to distance themselves from DISinformation. We capitalize the DIS because despite the1000s of leaks, not one ahs been denied by the DNC or anyone related. What wikileaks published was INFORMATION

previously here:

US Intel: Russia was the WikiLeaks Source


[EDIT] Instructions: Click link, download PERISCOPE app and search Wikileaks. We are listening live now, and hope to add comments here if relevant. So far nothing revolutionary. The release is a combination of denials on Russian State connections, and PR for WikiLeaks. Questions are crowd-sourced. We don't expect bombshells when Assange talks. Assange is currently talking about:

  • the systems involved in voting.
  • why the focus on whistle blowers than the content
  • Denys Russian state connections again.




Read more by Soren K.Group