Chart Shows Just How Much Influence The Bilderberg Group Actually Has

The Bilderberg Group meeting is upon us and once again people are beginning to question just what happens at the annual gathering of powerful European and North American leaders.

In case you’ve never heard of the powerful group, here’s a quick explanation (thanks Wikipedia)



This year’s Bilderberg Meeting will take place from June 9-12 in Dresden, Germany. If you want some details, click here.

These meetings have been going on since the early 1950s and have been under scrutiny for hosting powerful people without sharing their agenda. Some have gone as far as to accuse the Bilderberg Group of running the world and using these meetings as a place for political and industry leaders to strategize on how to do so. Ever heard someone rant about the "New World Order" ? They were probably referring to this group. 

ZeroHedge’s latest post  questions the group’s power by illustrating just how close Bilderberg members are to almost every recognizable brand we know.  Just take a look for yourself...



Could it be true? CUE eerie music…


Read more by Wall St. Whisperer