Why Is The Fort Myers Shooting A Tragedy Ignored

I think the U.S. and the world has a problem with labels. Unfortunately, when something happens that doesn’t fit with the day’s hot topics then it is ignored no matter how profound the impact was.

We are seeing this play out as the country reacts to another unfortunate mass shooting; but it’s not making the same headlines as say, the Germany shooting.

The Fort Myers shooting took place outside of an all-age swim-suit party. Two teenagers were murdered and 17 people were injured.

The shooting comes two days after Munich went into lockdown after nine people were murdered and 27 injured by a single gunman.

However, the attention between these two tragic events has been a stark contrast.

During the Munich shooting, CNN dedicated hours of coverage to the devastating tragedy as people tried to make sense of what was deemed right away as a terrorist attack. During the coverage, one broadcaster repeatedly voiced her disgust at how children were targeted by the Munich shooter. 

Monday, instead of focusing on the heartbreaking event in Fort Meyer, the cable news agency is covering the National Democratic Convention. Despite the fact that youth were targeted. Where is all the indignation?

So, what is the difference between these two events? 

The Fort Myers shooting was not ruled a terrorist attack… 

The tragedy wasn’t even important enough to register a tweet from the “law and order” Republican Candidate Donald Trump. While he is focused on protecting the nation from Islamic terrorism, he is completely ignoring the average run of the mill gun violence that plagues America. 

Instead of acknowledging the Fort Myers shooting, he has spent his time attacking presumptive Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton.

However, on Friday, he was able to take time out of his busy schedule to tweet about the German shooting.

Read more by Just_another_wiseguy