US Voters Should Pick Trump

“Pick the devil you know versus the devil you don’t know” is a phrase used by many to deal with choosing lesser evils. In this election, it would appear that Hillary, with her known “evils” qualify her as the devil we know. But I’m going with the devil I don’t know in this election Donald Trump.


Voter Perception

Trump, has earned a reputation as a wild card and therefore brings uncertainty to his potential presidency.  Hillary on the other hand is a known quantity: astute political manipulator, obfuscator, and basically a liar.

But Trump is so transparent and in need of public approval he telegraphs what he’s trying to do.  He’s a child in many ways, and that makes him manageable by the other branches of government. Hillary, not so much.

Let’s avoid a debate on the conventional wisdom there and work with the above supposition that Trump is the devil we don’t know.  

Trump’s Faults

  1. Trump is an insecure, raving egomaniac with narcissistic tendencies. CHECK
  2.  He’s woefully under qualified in domestic economic policy: Case in point Trump publicly states that the “US will renegotiate with creditors if it has to.” This seems like a big blunder. CHECK
  3. Internationally, his talk of walls and restricting immigration is political suicide as the Dems recruit more and more immigrants to their side of the table. Profiling Muslims, banning Muslims is insane to say in such frankness. CHECK
  4. He’s likely not the successful businessman financially that he portrays. Banks do not lend him money for development anymore. He derives most of his money “branding” other developers projects. CHECK
  5. He’s viewed by many as a loose cannon. Or more dramatically, an unguided missile. DOUBLE CHECK

Trump’s Assets

Let’s look at those seemingly insurmountable faults as portrayed in the mainstream media from the other side

  1. Insecure: he craves approval and will back off outrageous statements when called on it.
  2. Domestic Policy: My guess is he didn’t realize default was unnecessary until someone whispered “Pssst, you don’t have to default, you can just print more money”. Has he said that ridiculuous remark since?
  3. International: think about this. He has made such blunt harsh statements and is still the nominee with a good shot of beating the Clinton Dynasty. Imagine if he changes and refines his rhetoric. His recent move to replace Corey Lewendowski was a major step in this direction.
  4. Business Success: Assume that’s right. But can you refute this: Trump doesn’t quit. On some level he accepted his shortcomings and played to his strengths. Who cannot admire that?
  5. Loose Cannon: Be Real. Do you know how hard it is for a President to launch nukes, much less declare war? His presidency will likely bring back a balance between the branches of government. The Presidency has gotten too strong, and a guy like Trump will make the legislative branch step up.

There are unknowns about Trump just as there were unknowns about Reagan. Guy was in a movie with a monkey for crying out loud.  

Find His Voice

Trump’s message is poorly phrased for sure. But if he wraps his head around it like Reagan did on Communism, look out. Instead of saying: BAN ALL MUSLIMS. Suppose he channeled Reagan and spoke of ideals and choices we must make:

Fantasy Trump: “We must stop as a nation enabling those that would come to our country to destroy the ideals our founding fathers fought for. It will not be easy, and I do not claim to have all the answers, but it will change.  If a wall has to be built, that’s what we’ll do. If illegal immigration has to be stopped, that’s what we’ll do.

But between the extremes of action lie reasonable alternatives that must be considered. We are a free nation that has built its society on the melting pot of immigration. That can’t stop. A fine line has to be walked, and I intend to use every resource we have to make America Great Again.”

How different is that than what he is really saying? (Ok.. you’re right. He’d never say “I don’t have all the answers”). But aside from that, isn’t that his message? He simply cannot do the things he states. It is all populist tactics.

The Devil We Think We Know

Hillary Clinton on the other hand we call the Devil we know. Do we really know her? We know her disposition and the results of her actions:

  • Nafta
  • Benghazi
  • Clinton Foundation Fraud
  • Email fraud.

Hillary’s limits of aberrant behavior are still unknown. Do we know what she is willing to do to obtain power?  But she is a sphinx on discussing intentions. She goes out of her way to dismiss allegations until driven into a corner. A real student of Bill’s.  Her whole persona is to inveigle and obfuscate her goals and actions to the public. What we know about her is worse than what we don’t know about him.

 There is nothing she won’t do to get the thing she is entitled to. Her arrogance is compounded by the fact her future is increasingly digital: POTUS or PRISON.  She eliminated 30,000 emails to protect her intentions. She makes Claire Underwood look ethical.  Paranoid, secretive, and manipulative. I’ll take the Insecure Narcissist over the Arrogant Sociopath any day.

I’m going with the devil I don’t know this year. And if I’m wrong, fine. Both parties will be ripped apart and perhaps some fresh ideas from the Libertarians and Moderates will get a chance to be heard. The one party system we currently support with our taxes will collapse under its own shortsightedness. The Republic will survive.

Or you can vote For Hillary and get a continuation of the policies that have done net nothing for us. Repeating an action you know will yield the same results has a name: Insanity.

There is a reason beyond populist anger that people are supporting Trump despite his known faults. He Loves America. And even he knows that to succeed as he has in the past, something has to give. People sense that.


-Soren K.

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