Silver Not Precious?


Silverrrr.... not really Precious?

This morning Bloomberg interviewed Ric Spooner. Ric is CMC Chief Market analyst and we are a fan of his work bullish or bearish.

We were surprised but not shocked to see the interviewer's opening sentence (and we quote) "Silverrrr...not really a precious metal...." This was her lead in to ask why it rallied. Equally funny was Ric's choking down his derision at the statement. With a clenched smile he ignored her comment and went on as a professional. Clearly she is a short yet to cover. Meanwhile Ric called for the likelhood of Gold touching $1470-$1500 by year end.- by Soren K.


SILVER NOT PRECIOUS?- Remain calm Ric Spooner

Click pic for video-you only need to see the first 20 seconds after a 15 second advertisement


In case anyone needs reminding, here is what investopedia has to say:

Precious metals refer to the classification of metals that are considered to be rare and/or have a high economic value. The higher relative values of these metals are driven by various factors including their rarity, uses in industrial processes and as investment vehicles. The most popular precious metals with investors are gold, platinum and silver, and precious metals used in industrial processes include iridium, which is used in specialty alloys and palladium, which is used in electronics and chemical applications.


For our part, we believe Silver is the second best conductor of electricity in the world after Gold (Gold just a little precious?) In fact the Gov't does carry a stockpile as it has used it for electromagents in making nuclear bombs.

Final thought. Remember when interviewers were ugly, unkempt and knew their info? In this PC world of revenue before accuracy, we think women should be given every opportuniy that men get. Hiring people for being pretty, somewhat hispanic looking, and ignorant oftheir trade are not doing feminism any favors.- just saying


Overnight Recap HERE


Good Luck

- Soren K.


Read more by Soren K.Group