Obama: 'Deporter in Chief' booted most of any POTUS

Just Sayin' Obama Has Deported More People Than Any Other President


April, 2016

(ABC)President Barack Obama has often been referred to by immigration groups as the "Deporter in Chief."

Between 2009 and 2015 his administration has removed more than 2.5 million people through immigration orders, which doesn’t include the number of people who "self-deported" or were turned away and/or returned to their home country at the border by U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP).

How does he compare to other presidents?

According to governmental data, the Obama administration has deported more people than any other president's administration in history.In fact, they have deported more than the sum of all the president's administration in history. 

President George W. Bush's administration deported just over two million during his time in office; and Obama’s numbers don’t reflect his last year in office, for which data is not yet available. Full story HERE


So, where were the protesters on this?

Maybe the left should have stepped up and held their POTUS accountable when Obama normalized mass surveillance and what is basically a kill list. But hey, Change, Hope etcetera. Sore winners at Bush's removal were busy patting themselves on the back at how right they were.


One More Thing

Trump's Refugee ban is majorly flawed and illegal. Further, it was written by a racist (Bannon) who feels he is bullet proof in his arrogance.  But, the plan has its roots in Obama's own plan.


Five Stages of Death- Political Ideology Edition

The problem is, people's walls of denial are being challenged in an era where it is increasingly hard for corrupt pols to hide. And their ego's are fighting back.


Just Sayin'

The logical next step on our slide to a banana republic is rooted in the dumbing down of the electorate. The DNC and RNC entities are concerned about  their ongoing existence. The people in those parties are alternately brainwashed, leeches, or ideologues. And the press has been AWOL for years.

Bannon is right, the Press is supposed to be the enemy of the Government. The press is supposed to hold the Government  accountable and has special liberties to protect it in that regard. But even a well-meaning journalist can't fight it when the corporate heads are shills for the pols. If he does, he gets fired.


Follow @davidsirota 

We watched David hold the Dems accountable during the election. So much so that he gets a special mention in one of the leaked DNC emails as person non-grata.

One of us was a close follower of his during the CT Insurance Malloy Crony Scandal. Which we wrote about here. And he has never, to our eyes, lost sight of his job. The proof is his status as  target of abuse from both sides. Right now the "right" are calling him a Dem shill. 

- Soren K.

Read more by Soren K.Group