In Defense of Donald Trump

The real big problem with Donald Trump is that he talks in sound bytes. This is the same problem with media news for that matter. Trump lashed out against the US District Judge, Gonzalo Curiel concerning the lawsuit against Trump University. He said, "The judge is probably biased against him because of his previous comments about Mexican immigration."

Now, the media jumps on this to show their inherent dislike for Trump and by de facto, pro Clinton leanings. In reality, if Donald just took the time to explain his thinking, there would be a different conversation today.

Federalist Papers

Alexander Hamilton took up the cause for the original colonies to ratify the constitution. He, along with John Jay and I can't recall the other revolutionary member, wrote a series of articles to promote the citizens to push their local government to back the new Republic.

Hamilton advocated the three equal branches of government. He goes on to say that judges in the Judiciary Branch, can be subjective and do what is best for the nation rather than self interest.This sounds all well in theory, but humans are flawed. They cannot always be subjective in nature. I can recite many examples, but I think two are enough.

Dred Scott v. Sandford

Supreme Court Judge Taney declared in 1857 that African-Americans are inferior and he was pro-slavery among other things.

Plessy v. Ferguson

The Supreme Court ruled that separate but equal is constitutional in1896.

When the court overturned the above ruling in Brown v. Board of Education in 1954, the South almost succeeded again from the union. In a "Southern Manifesto" southern senators outlined a plan to "pack" the court with right minded people.

Right there is the problem. People have their own baggage. You can get any decision in the courts as long as you get to pick the judge. This is why the Republicans are holding up the nomination process at the moment.

Getting deeper, this is the real reason there was a quick response to Trump's latest outburst. The powers-to-be do not want this aspect to get play, to become part of the conversation because the bedrock of the elites is really at stake. Now, if Donald just explained that this Hispanic-American judge has a very close affiliation to the San Diego based, La Raza which is pro-Mexican American and pro-immigration of Mexicans, then, maybe there is some doubt about this judge's ability to be subjective. Clinton won't reveal this truth either. If our nation is ever going to evolve our democracy, the third branch of our system needs to be overhauled because as it stands, it is a dictatorship and please, do not comment about the ability to amend a decision by the court because the process is too lengthy and difficult for day-to-day decisions. By the way, I have Jefferson and Madison on my side if you care to look up the court decision which took away power from the executive and legislative branches.


Donald Trump Picture By Gage Skidmore from Peoria, AZ, United States of America (Donald Trump) [CC BY-SA 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

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