Can Gold Be Used To Treat Cancer?

The word “gold” is not usually associated with the health industry, as it has been representing wealth and splendor for millennia. This element has been coveted by different cultures all over the world – from being used to symbolize a commitment to a significant other, to being used to gold-plate the monstrosities Trump builds – it’s value is irrefutable worldwide. However, we should not only take gold at face value as it has multiple uses that we constantly oversee, such as it’s influence in the electrical, aerospace, financial, dental, and medical industries. 

According to, sodium aurothiomalate or aurothioglucose are gold-infused compounds injected directly into the muscle or orally administered to help alleviate rheumatoid arthritic symptoms and slow the degeneration caused by the disease. In other words, gold is already being used to treat arthritis. 

And may now start being used to treat some cancer...

Nanotechnology has paved the way for new treatments as scientists can now target diseases on a molecular level. As explained in the Clujul Medical Journal, due to the unique anatomical make-up and physical properties of gold, nanoparticles of this element can be used in heat-based treatments against some cancers. This industry is relatively new, which means that we should be trepid with categorizing findings as irrefutable science, but also welcome it to potentially revolutionize the way the medical industry conducts research.

Despite all the medicinal benefits of gold, one should be wary about mixing it with other medication. Gold-infused medication has been shown to suppress the immune system, so any individual with an auto-immune disease or anyone undergoing treatments that would also suppress immunity, should be careful and should always ask their doctor before mixing treatments.

Suffice it to say…don’t try this at home folks!


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Read more by Mrs Robot