Surprise! Dortmund Attacker Had ISIS Ties

German Authorities Say Dortmund Attack Suspect 'Linked to IS'

Police officers patrol the stadium in Dortmund, Germany, on April 12. (Kai Pfaffenbach / Reuters)

German authorities requested an arrest warrant Thursday for an Iraqi national who is alleged to have ties to the Islamic State. The suspect, who Deutsche Welle reports has been identified as 26-year-old Abdul Beset A, was previously suspected of involvement in the the bomb attack Tuesday on Borussia Dortmund’s bus ahead of the soccer team’s match in Dortmund. There were no casualties, though one player was injured. German prosecutors have since said they have “no proof that the suspect had taken part in the attack,” but they have requested a warrant to keep him in custody due to his alleged ties to a “foreign terrorist organization.” Under German law, authorities can only hold him for 24 hours. A judge is expected to rule today on whether or not to issue the warrant.


The globalist/  Academic/ Political/ Corporatist Elites and their ignorant Hollywood limousine liberal minions singing kumbaya won't figure out they have been co-opted by those corporate interests that benefit from cross border trade until their throats have been slit by some radical extremist. Or equally bad, until they've become indentured servants to the corporations that need them as consumers.

Islamist or not, there is a blowback against all this forced globalism from the ME as well as from the West. The ISIS crew is just more proactive about it. Am I advocating that ISIS isright? No. Am I advocatingthat the ultimate enemy is the marketer that sells you on the benefits of convenience over freedom whether you be an american or an Arab? Yes.

The ME has more in common with the US middle class than it knows. And it is shit like this the West should be paying attention to. Liberal Progressive Corporatists are scared to call a spade a spade. Why? because if they did, publications like the economist would lose readers. Its about money. We say so here

There is no News anymore. There is only spun corporatist interests.Witness the Economist ignoring the obvious implications of terror by blaming the truck for the recent attack. Why was that? Because their readership is a bunch oftrained slugs that need to be fed more lies andspin intravenously to keep buying that corporate tripe.


Rant over. For now.


The Soren K. Group of writers are currently 5 persons writing collectively. Backgrounds are professional, ranging from Finance to Banking to Real Estate. Topics include politics, markets, and Global Macro situations with a libertarian bent. Some posts are collaborative, some individually written.


Twitter: @Sorenthek



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