Vote the Greater Good- Trump

Elect the Greater Good- Trump

  • A Trump victory will force both parties to listen to their consistencies' needs
  • A Clinton Victory will force the GOP to change, but the Dems will continue to ignore the paradigm shift happening.

The roots of US capitalism and our economy are sick. And while the academics Fed with no real life experience direct our attention to the pretty flowers on the tree, that tree’s roots are dying.

Written by Vince Lanci


The Fix is in

  1. The FBI RE-opened its investigation on a Friday- a "bury the story "day
  2. The FBI exonerated Hillary on a Sunday night- which puts them on top of the news on Monday.
  3. The Fed cannot raise rates, even if it wanted to. They are politically compromised
  4. Conflicts of interest, crony capitalism, pay-for-play, quid-pro-quo are the norm in Washington. Hillary is just the poster child
  5. Trump is not half the man he could be. He has been given every opportunity to squash Clinton and has failed.

An yet, he could still win. The July Brexit vote should be the template for the public taking back control of its country.

Donald Trump should be President of the United States. Our reasons are simple:

  1. He is Transparent- big ego or not, he is easily kept in check by the balances of power. Hillary is rife with potential conflicts of interest. She is a bomb waiting to go off
  2. He Will Build- both candidates will be at the helm of an inflationary situation. Hillary will print to inflate assets using monetary policy to concentrate wealth even more than it is now. Trump will use fiscal policies to build. And working people regain their spirit. This country needs to feel good again.
  3. The Parties Will Wake Up- a Trump win will force the GOP to reflect on what they are doing wrong. It will force them to consider doing their job.  A Clinton loss, will also force the Dems to change how they treat the people they represent.This is the greater good for our country in the long run. So when we vote Trump, it will be with expectations of real change as instigated from the grass roots up. Not dictated by the top down. Politicians of both parties will eb forced to reassess their abdicated responsibilities. They will need to represent voters. Or it will keep happening.

Trump can win. Ignore the polls. Polls are meaningless in an election with so many “shock events”. The truth is Donald Trump can win the election. He is a Progressive Republican in all but name. If he owned that label, he’d be a real alternative to Hillary Clinton. Progressive Democrats and Moderate Republicans would flock to him while he kept the hardcore GOP. He already has the edge among the Washington outsider vote behind him. If Trump “came out” in this way, he would be viewed as what he is, a Roosevelt Republican. But he has to execute properly. The key to executing is honesty, humility, and tapping the patriotism the man truly has.


Trump for America- Hypothetical speech

I'd pay to watch Hillary Clinton's face as Trump says some version of the below. Trump would own the left and right sides politically. And if he conveyed these things truthfully, the middle would go to him. Hillary stands for nothing. And in doing this, Trump would stand for everything. Trump should come out. He is a Roosevelt Republican who just could not get out of his own way. This country needs a Progressive Republican now. (N.B.-The wording is poor. I'm no speechwriter. Hopefully the point comes through.(-vbl)



I have come to realize that the words I use to elevate myself are wrong. And I asked myself why my behavior was thus. And answers have come to me. My behavior was in no small part a reaction to my own issues with family, particularly my father.

 I sought to compensate for it by overachieving. I sought inclusion in the very group that most dismisses minorities, women, and gays. That is not a political comment. It is a comment on the accepted behavior of elitists regardless of party affiliation.

Rich democrats and Republicans both contain a minority of people who behave in this manner behind closed doors. And to deal with my own insecurities I adopted the trappings of the people I had disliked. I became the person I feared most.  In my desire to be included I demeaned many people with my words and actions over the years for fear of discovery. I was afraid of being found out as a failure. And I apologize. My fears skewed my judgment. I imitated role models in their treatment of women. Who here has not had to struggle with their parental role models? It is not easy rejecting a parent's ideas while still loving them.



My campaign promises are real. My goal is to fight for the average American. I love this country, but could not understand why my behavior was so self-defeating of my stated goals. This election has forced me to grow. I was never self-aware enough to understand these things. My loving family who has stood by me through everything helped me work this out. And they urged me to be who I truly am to the American people. And so I am. I am wealthy, but want you to be successful too. Because in doing that, the whole of America will be bigger than the sum of its parts.

My successes were to compensate for my own insecurities. We all do it. I however do not wish to take from the rich to give to the poor. My goal is to be able to help those without elevate themselves to the status of successful Americans. Opportunities for advancement must be made available for all. Help yourselves yes. But we as a your leaders are obligated to encourage those who want to grow. Not hide behind walls.

My huge yet clearly fragile ego will not change overnight. But I now see my past behaviors are at odds with my goals for this great country. They were attempts to fit in among others who I thought would otherwise reject me if they knew how I truly felt. I chose to elevate myself at the expense of others.

I have come to realize over the years slowly, and during this campaign quickly, that I am no less of a man regardless of my financial successes or failures. More importantly, no one in this country is less of a person for their race, sex, color, or creed.

Admitting this with family help has lifted a great burden from my soul. I again apologize for my past behaviors in subservience to my need to fit in. And real change starts with the person.


Hillary is a Misanthrope

There is no magic wand that Obama waved. You are worse now than you were 8 years ago. And Hillary is Obama Light. All the ambition, none of the skill. She doesn't want there to be a woman president unless it is her. She wants to BE the woman president. There is a difference. Her ambition hides underneath women's rights. If she were a penguin she'd be championing the first penguin presidency. She is no feminist. She is a Hillary-ist. You want a president with character that is a woman, vote for Jill Stein.


If I am guilty of misogynistic statements, then what is my opponent guilty of? Calling 50% of voters "deplorable"?! That folks is called being a misanthrope. As in she doesn't like people. As in: she is better than us, male and female, black, white, gay, straight. She is better than all others in her fantastic bubble. Let's pop the elitist bubble this year.


3-America Now

I want to heal this great nation of ours, this melting pot of cultures. I want to do what is best for America. And my first impulse toward withdrawal from Syria rings now with more clarity than ever.

We know what we are about. We are about helping the world when we can. But we must take care of ourselves first.

When we re-strengthen ourselves we will be better positioned to help if a crisis happens. Let’s fix us first. Only by being strong can we help others. And right now we are spread too thin as a nation. We insert ourselves for honorable reasons into the affairs of others only to be compromised in our ability to decide clearly right from wrong for many reasons. Chief among them is corporate influence and the hubris of past successes.


4-Heal Thyself- Values First

I do not believe in my heart globalism, NAFTA, and a one world, concept are bad. They are noble ideals of human unification. But we have forced it to those not ready or in agreement with our ideas.

American Values are noble. Judeo-Christian values are what built this country. I cannot speak for Islam’s values personally, but they can’t be much different at their core. We just need to get to that core, just as Christianity had to get to its own core values.

Noble as ideals like democracy are, forcing them on other cultures can be disastrous. Sometimes we act prematurely. And in expending our resources to democratize others we have seriously weakened our core. The time has come for the USA to pull in its reigns a little bit and heal ourselves. The UN and Nato need a little tough love. I’m not proposing withdrawal. I’m just going to ensure all do their part.

Our reach has exceeded our grasp in some parts of the world. We are behaving as the USSR did by overextending ourselves there. Meanwhile Russia is not strong. They are weak. And this is their front door. We are forcing a country to act against its own best interests. They are cornered and reacting like anyone with no protection. And our diplomacy has made it worse. For what? Oil. And we have plenty of that here now.


5-Russia and the Middle East

Do you think we should be afraid of Russia? They are scared of us. Putin wants me to be President because he knows I’m about healing the USA. I will not risk nuclear war over a piece of dirt on his border. Neither will I tolerate aggression in our hemisphere. He should try me on that one.

But Putin is truly petrified of my opponent. Russia is not pro-Trump. It is anti-Clinton And if that person is president, there is no knowing what a cornered Russia will do. And right now they are cornered by us.

We will have unnecessary military escalation worldwide if my opponent is elected and it serves her purposes. If it also serves the USA, then consider us lucky. We weren’t paid money for favors by both sides of every conflict over there. “America Second” should be my opponent’s motto. No More!

Can you honestly say that when Iran gets the bomb we won’t have to respond to Saudi Arabia’s request for one in its defense even as a true ally, Israel protests? And based on our past behavior of arming the opposition, that will happen if the next president is Hillary Clinton. 


The USA will not turn its back on the Middle East or the rest of the world. Too much is at stake to cut and run. But can you tell me Assad’s atrocities are worse than those committed by ISIS? That Sunnis murdering Shias is a lesser evil than the opposite? Enough.


6-America First

It doesn’t have to be about oil or corporate greed. We have oil right here. Becoming energy independent takes time. And it involves cheap oil as a bridge to cleaner, more efficient sources.

Yes, nature will be at risk. But we are a long way from the ignorant conglomerates that polluted as they pleased 100 years ago.

But thousands, maybe millions of human lives may be saved. And those lives are worth it.

I’m asking the USA to take its medicine as I am now. I’m asking the corporations that have enjoyed profits, lobbied loopholes, and international access to be patriots. Corporations have all the rights of people. I want them to start acting like people. There is a social contract that people honor. Companies need to honor it too.


7- We Need to Become Strong Internally Again

We are not the country that saved the world in WW2. That country had healed itself and was ready to help. Here we are now, post WW2 seeking to prevent WW3 by intervening everywhere. And that intervention has cost us. And frankly, things are barely balanced in Syria. It is so bad that a feather of an error in judgment may spark a World War.


8-An Idea to Live and Die for

Globalization and corporatism has compromised our integrity. Politicians are for sale. Influence is a revolving door in D.C. And the people who play the game best are winning. Clearly I’m not good at the game. I’m too transparent, too impulsive. But what is my opponent other than the best game player in town? Do you want a President who obfuscates, inveigles, and hides behind legal technicalities to cover her lies?


Ask Hillary what she stands for at her core. She stands for herself. Her core is hollow. And the rest is a moving target depending on who the audience is and how much they have to spend. Her own aides know this. Look it up.


Our economy has suffered here as we try to help those abroad. Meanwhile politicians line their pockets selling America’s soul to the highest bidder. This has also diminished our ability to be effective in a crisis situation. Whose side are we on?

Wars will happen whether we intervene or not. And we will intervene, but we are not policemen. Better small limited ones that clear bad blood, than bigger ones that create holocausts and end in the use of nukes. That, my friends is where we are right now in Syria.

Clarity of purpose is not governed by my own need to be recognized or my fears anymore. I’ve taken my medicine and it has made me stronger for doing it. America is an idea I can live and die for. That is what I stand for.



Do you want progress? The path to progress is through honesty with ourselves.

Here’s some truth you already know. We are spread too thin. Corporations have piggybacked our desire to spread democracy to help their bottom line. And now look at our economy. Stocks are up. Do you own stocks? Or did you sell them to pay bills? Do you feel you are doing better than you were 8 years ago? I do not, and I can guess how you all feel.

We are domestically being hollowed out while the Fed is perpetuating the illusion that a higher stock market means a good economy. Guess what? It doesn’t. The tail is wagging the dog folks. And you know it. It is time to help yourselves, and not blindly trust leaders who are “here to help us”. The Federal bankers and economists who operate like mad scientists testing ideas like negative interest rates on the back of the people must stop.

The roots of US capitalism and our economy are sick. And while the academics with no real life experience direct our attention to the pretty flowers on the tree, that tree’s roots are dying.


9-America is Already Great

I want to help. Elect me as your president and you will see a difference. Sometimes painful for people who may need to be reminded of their progressive roots. It was those people who spurred this country to the greatest reforms ever. And it was not easy. I’m calling on that generation to remember what they stood for. If not for themselves, for their grandchildren. The difference will ultimately leave a stronger nation for the next 5 generations. We need progressively minded people now. Not just socially, but economically progressive too. Sadly economically progressives are simply people with common sense and the ability to act on it. Where are they?


Fix the economy from the inside out and other reforms will happen side by side. The alternative is no social security, lower standards of living, and a legacy of self-destruction for our children. The idea is not to make the rich poor. The idea is to raise the standard of living for all. The gap between the haves and the have-nots will sadly always exist. But it is our duty as Americans is to close that gap by raising the level of opportunity for those not so lucky.

America is great now. It needs a tune up. All the ingredients are here.   Let’s do it together

Thank you 


Twitter Vince Lanci: @VlanciPictures


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