Trump is a 'National Disgrace' - Colin Powell

Colin Powell, former secretary of State and four-star general had his emails hacked. According BuzzFeed and The Daily Caller, Powell called Donald Trump “a national disgrace” and “international pariah” in his emails. He also said that “Hillary’s mafia” was trying to ‘drag him into Clinton’s email scandal’.

In an email sent to a journalist who once worked under Powell, he said that Trump is “in the process of destroying himself, no need for the Dems to attack him.” Over 30,000 emails were hacked and given to

According to The Wall Street Journal, DCLeaks has ties to Russian intelligence services which has caused concern that the leaks are intended to manipulate the outcome of the upcoming US election.

Powell has denied to comment to BuzzFeed but told The Daily Center that he was not aware of the infiltration of his Gmail account. If the case is so, his privacy has been violated, he added.

With regards to the Clinton email scandal, Powell wrote, “been having fun with emailgate. Hillary’s mafia keeps trying to suck me into it.” He has expressed frustration that the Clinton campaign was trying to equate his use of the private email accounts with Hillary’s own use of private email server. Clinton's "minions repeatedly that they are making a mistake trying to drag me in, yet they still try. The media isn't fooled and she is getting crucified," he added. "The differences are profound and they know it."

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